Огромна чест за мене е поддршката од Јасмина Сидеровски која минатата година направи интервју за Еснаф и го промовираше низ светот преку нејзиното списание @eys_magazine . Среќна сум што ја познавам и голема инспирација ми е нејзината работа. Ти благодарам за оваа чест Јасмина 

Јасмина Сидеровски за Еснаф:
Born and raised in Skopje, Macedonia Izabela Sokolovska’s mother taught her how to knit and do embroidery. She loved it and was always keen on handcrafting. She grew up in Skopje, where she studied French and literature. She also worked on a cruise ship and a yacht having visited many countries and exotic places. An opportunity to see all the different cultures and meet wonderful people.
One of the things she loved most was the products made by the local artisans. For example, in Bali, the wood carving and knitted bags were some of her favourites. Shortly after returning home 10 years ago, Izabela commenced quilling. Unfortunately, there were no tools or materials in Macedonia or a workshop where she could learn everything.
That is when it all started.
Izabela faced many challenges and struggles. She developed artisan skills and found herself wanting to make it in life as an artisan. Her desire to turn this work as her livelihood grew more and more but unfortunately, hand-made products were not that highly rated and it didn’t cover the expenses.
Izabela was adamant to make her work her profession. She visited many bazaars at the time and depending on the time of year the bazaars sometimes were already full or were very expensive to take part in. So, she decided to organise one of her own and rented a hall in a hotel and invited everyone who wanted to participate and sell their products.
Little did Izabela know that this was to be the start of her social enterprise journey as an entrepreneur.
At eYs Global we salute the individuals who think outside the box and create their own miracles and achieve the impossible. Izabela Sokolovska achieved her dreams and fulfilled her vision through her determination focused on helping vulnerable communities. She joined forces and formed a social model in a way that all the profit from Esnaf, goes back to developing the disadvantaged people.
Through her platform, they learned new crafts, develop new products and designs and a place to sell their work and receive income.
Congratulations Izabela you are an inspiration to many.